
> I just picked up a dual G5 (the 2.7 GHz flavor) and I'm interested in
> running gentoo on it as well as OS X. I've been using x86 and
> x86_gentoo for quite some time now (back since 1.2).

> However the ppc64 minimal iso from the mirrors gives a kernel panic
> during bootup on this hardware, with the call stack indicating a
> driver probe of some sort.

I think that the 2.7 GHz machines need a newer kernel. You might want to
look into the ChangeLog of linux-2.6.12-rc5, I know that there are fixes
for exactly those machines in it. You can then build such kernel and
netboot it. If you can't build one, you can ask in #gentoo-ppc64 on


Gentoo Linux Developer using m0n0wall | http://hansmi.ch/
I dunno, I dream in Perl sometimes...
             -- Larry Wall in  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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