
I have some problems with the nVidia card of my laptop Acer TravelMate
636LC.  According to lspci the exact model is

  nVidia Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 Go] (rev b2)

First problem: At boot time.  Everything works at the beginning but
shortly after entering runlevel 3 (before starting X) the screen start
to flicker very fast and becomes unreadable.  This continues until the
start of xdm.  I do not understand what could be the reason (some
change of font or similar?).  This problem first appeared upgrading to
linux 2.4.22.

Second problem: I cannot use Ctrl-Alt-Fn keys to switch from X to text
console.  It was the same with linux 2.4.20.

Third problem: I am not able to play DVD, the machine it is too slow
and the movements are not fluid at all.  I tried with mplayer under
X11 with device -vo xv with all possible combination of options.  A
P-4 2.0 GHz it is not enough?  Or the nvidia driver needs some setup.

Otherwise X seems to work nice.  I use the "nvidia" proprietary
module.  I think I installed it properly because: (1) I use Driver
"nvidia" in XF86Config;  (2) I have a splash screen with the nvidia at
X11 startup (and there was no such logo before installing nvidia-glx);
(3) glxgears says "3550 frames in 5.0 seconds = 710.000 FPS" that it
an acceptable value, I guess.

A snippet of my XF86Config follows.

Any help appreciated,

  -- Marco

Section "Module"
# "GLcore" and "dri" are not compatible with the "nvidia" module
#       Load  "GLcore"
#       Load  "dri"
        Load  "glx"
        Load  "record"
        Load  "extmod"
        Load  "ddc"  # ddc probing of monitor
        Load  "dbe"
        Load  "xtrap"
        Load  "bitmap" # bitmap-fonts
        Load  "speedo"
        Load  "type1"
        Load  "freetype"

Section "Device"
        #Option     "sw_cursor"
        #Option     "hw_cursor"
        #Option     "NoAccel"
        #Option     "ShowCache"
        #Option     "ShadowFB"
        #Option     "UseFBDev"
        #Option     "Rotate"
        Identifier  "Card0"
        Driver      "nvidia"
        VendorName  "All"
        BoardName   "All"
#       BusID       "PCI:1:0:0"

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