On Wed, 25 Jun 2003, Johannes Graumann wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm about to get a new laptop and I was wondering whether somebody could comment on 
> the usability of Gentoo on a laptop system.
> I can see two arguments:
> - laptop with little resources - customization of gentoo might be advantagous ...
> - laptop with little resources - all that compiling will kill you!
My first ever gentoo install was on this 1ghz, 128mb 
laptop. I did a stage 1 install, it took a while, and with 
hind sight I would have left a kde compile to much later 
(especially as I am a gnome user at heart). 
IIRC it took about 5 days to install, but i did have to 
work sleep and annoy the kids. But now i have a laptop that 
gives the impression of running quicker though i havent 
benchmarked anything

Mick Gower                                     http://www.takingnonotice.com
uptime  07:34:13 up 10 days,  7:34,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.10
I wish a robot would get elected president.  That way, when he came to town,
we could all take a shot at him and not feel too bad.
                -- Jack Handley

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