I am kind of new to gentoo but I had all versions of linux installed on my box 
since I first came in touch with linux about 2 years ago. One problem about 
linux allways seemed to be the support of certain hardware and if there is an 
appropriate driver available for the hardware the configuration involves so 
many steps and such a deep knowledge of the low-level tools and config-files 
that the mortal pc-user will simply give up and turn away from it in disgust 
in favour of the instable, proprietary microsoft Windows versions. Well this 
is slowly changing but I assume that linux will never be as simple to 
configure as windows but it turn in will never be as instable as windows.

now back to the subject of my email. When installing gentoo I could setup the 
adsl-connection (provider is the german telecom) on the 
installation-environment (The one which is only temporary and only exists in 
the core) without the slightest hassle. I just set up the whole thing with 
rp-pppoe (root# adsl-setup) and triggered off the internet connection with 
root# adsl-start .
 everything worked fine and I chrooted to my real gentoo environment and 
proceeded with downloading and installing software. After kernel-compilation 
(I made sure all internet-related protocols and the ethernet-driver 
<"sis900.o"> were selected) I rebooted but could not get the internet going. 
while booting, the kernel told me that it could not bring up the eth0 (my 
ethernet card).Then I thought, maybe there is something special about the 
gentoo kernel and tried the following: I just started from CD again and 
copied the kernel config file of the CD-Version to my own kernel with:
root# cat /proc/config > /usr/src/linux/.config 
I then changed a few values regarding the filesystems and soundsupport etc. 
and recompiled the kernel! Everything seemed fine "I didn't get any error 
messages on startup like couldn't bring up Eth0 again" but again I couldn't 
trigger off any internetconnection.
after trying adsl-start there allways comes .... TIME OUT > ... . I tried 
various things from re-configuration of rp-pppoe to reinstalling software and 
recompiling the Kernel-values. Nothing seems to help. The funny thing is it 
is possible for me to bootup the installation-Cd and chroot from there to my 
real gentoo environment without setting up the pppoe on the cd-environment 
and  then do 
root # env-update and 
root # source /etc/profile 
etc. and start internetconnection right away from the chroot-environment. 
Doesn't that say that there is nothing wrong with the configuration of my 
real gentoo-environment but rather with the kernel?

I would be very, very greatful if someone helped me out of this situation 
since I am really stuck here! Even now that I am writing this email, I have 
booted from cd and then chrooted into this here, rather than booting from my 
own kernel.

By the way, while running 
root# ifconfig -a 
(when booted from the real kernel) eth0 is up and running. ppp0 isn't there! 
Is there anyone outthere able to help me out?

please write any reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thanks in advance, momesana.

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