I had apache all working with virtual domains.  I realized I needed PHP
support, did an "emerge mod_php", and when that was all done, apache gives
me the following error no matter which of the virtual domains I try to
access:         403 Forbidden
                You don't have permission to access / on this server.

In "/var/log/apache/error.log" I see this:

[Mon Feb 10 07:58:22 2003] [error] [client <client IP>] client denied by
server configuration: /<path to virtual domain a>
[Mon Feb 10 07:58:26 2003] [error] [client <client IP>] client denied by
server configuration: /<path to virtual domain b>
[Mon Feb 10 08:42:51 2003] [error] [client <client IP>] client denied by
server configuration: /<path to virtual domain c>
[Mon Feb 10 08:46:18 2003] [error] [client <client IP>] client denied by
server configuration: /<path to virtual domain d>

Any suggestions as far as where to start?

Larry Herzog Jr.        "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain
ZRXOA #1029              conceit, but in humility consider others
[EMAIL PROTECTED]          better than yourselves." - Philippians 2:3

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