OK, in an attempt to stop the 95 million posts asking how to upgrade to
the latest Gentoo Release Candidate please read on....

   **                                                                **
  *    Gentoo Releases are essentially only relevant to the LiveCD.    *
   **                                                                **

Once you have chosen a profile and done:
   emerge sync
   emerge --update world

You will have the *latest* Gentoo installed on your system.

This contrasts with a distro like Red Hat where they release a version and
then bug fixes for that version.

Because the LiveCD only has a minimal number of applications that install
from it when you "emerge --update world" *all* versions of your installed
software that have an upgrade available, will be upgraded.

In summary:

     If you have done:
             emerge sync

     recently then you are up to date, don't sweat it.

    If you would like to assist the developers please download the latest
    LiveCD and do an installation.  If you get any errors, please let the
    developers know by submitting a bug @ bugs.gentoo.org (remember to do
    a search first, someone may have the same problem)

Troy Dack                                       http://linux.tkdack.com
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                             http://webportage.sf.net

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