On Tuesday 02 Dec 2003 7:52 pm, Jeffrey Smelser wrote:

> that word, "Guidelines." Thats not a law, just something that "should"
> happen based on what the article wrote up

... based on what your reader expects, so that they can concentrate on what 
you're saying, rather than wondering which bit you're referring to.

Standards compliance lets the content be clearer.

> This says this is NOT the standard. So where does it say I have to comply??

You don't have to comply, just like etiquette, they're guidelines to help you 
communicate -- you do want to communicate?  Accept a little help when offered 
in the right spirit.

> Here is where your out of line. I am using a piece of garbage mail
> reader/poster. If it does Top posting, how is that the fault of the Poster

"It's a bad workman who blames his tools"

> them self? Maybe you should go to the source, instead of the person??
> Specially when the poster thinks that reading the top line and getting the
> answer, is easier than having to stroll to the bottom and looking for it

Answer to what?  Surely the answer should follow (logically & sequentially).

> after the numerous quotes and taglines you have to go through..
> Try again..

How about;-
- Getting s/w that does what you want, rather than s/w you can blame when it 
- Changing the subject line to something relevant.
- Not using the word 'poster' to refer to the s/w, and to the person using it, 
within the same paragraph.
- Using "you're", "they're" and "especially" (or 'specially if you want to 
write how you speak).  Otherwise your readers will have to read out loud, and 
listen to themselves, before they'll understand you.

You did ask.

Is this post an example of what it refers to?  Self-reference is what makes a 
system "sufficiently powerful" according to Godel's theorem.


PS Before reading this thread I hadn't heard of "top posting": At first I 
thought it meant not threading your replies, leaving them at the top level 
rather than a child of the previous message.

Understanding is the essence of communication

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