* Robert Young (2003-08-08 21:43 +0200)
> Thorsten Kampe wrote:
>> * Robert Young (2003-08-08 18:39 +0200)
>>> I submitted a bug against Mozilla
>>> http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26068
>>> It seems to be because of my CFLAGS
>>> CFLAGS="-march=pentium3 -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"
>> These are *exactly* my flags and Mozilla compiled with those (okay the
>> second time - I had to reduce MAKEOPTS from "-j(3+2)" to "-j(3+1)"

> You have 3 or 4 cpus?

Two hosts, each of them on CPU.

> or your not using the recommended values?

The "recommended values" differ:

man make.conf: CPUs+1 up to 2*CPUs+1 (-j3 up to -j5)
man make:      <no recommendation>
distcc FAQ:    2*CPUs (-j4)
current Gentoo distcc maintainer: CPUs+1 (-j3)
former Gentoo distcc maintainer: 2*CPUs+1 (each host!) (-j6)

So I set up MAKEOPTS="5" and 'DISTCC_HOSTS="localhost/3
$REMOTE_HOST/2"' which was fine until "cross-compiling" - meaning each
of my hosts was compiling at the same time and using the other as a
distcc host with the same MAKEOPTS/DISTCC_HOSTS setting.


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