Hi all,

I have a strange problem w/ my qmail server and a mac user. I run qmail's 
own pop3d for mail distribution, and everything works like a charm. Only 
one user has a problem retrieving his mail: He works on a mac and can't 
use his full email address for authentication (which is needed, because I 
host several virtual domains with vmailmgr, so username for pop3d is 
"[EMAIL PROTECTED]"), because he can't use the @-sign.

Some time ago, I heard something about configuring pop3d to accept other 
signs than '@', IIRC it was ';' ("user;domain.com").

Does anybody know more? Would really be glad if I could solve this issue...
Greetings and TIA, Matthias

Marge:  I know we didn't ask for this, Homer, but doesn't the Bible
        say, "Whatsoever you do to the least of my brothers, that you
        do unto me...?"

Homer:  Yes, but doesn't the Bible also say, "Thou shalt not take
        moochers into thy hut?"

                   The Otto Show

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