begin  quote
On Fri, 15 Aug 2003 09:08:47 -0800
"Brendan Van Horn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> My question is, since the kernel on the CD worked without problems can
> I just install and use that one?  That way I can try different options
> in the kernel to fix the issue?

Yep, here's a tip:

boot the cd
mount /mnt/gentoo
cat /proc/config >/mnt/gentoo/usr/src/cd-config
cd /mnt/gentoo/usr/src/gentoo-sources-2.4.20-r7  (Well, you get the
geist if the version isn't exact)
cp .config ../config-didnt-work
cp ../cd-config .config
make oldconfig dep bzImage modules && make modules_install
mount /mnt/gentoo/boot 
cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage /boot/ .... (name it something)

And you should have a kernel with the same config as the cd. (follow the
manual compile kernel in the installation manual for more specifics )


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