Dear Software Developers!

I’m writing to you as I need your insight for my research study if you could 
kindly participate this time too!

As part of my research project at Chalmers University, I have conducted a 
research-survey about 23 types of wastes (collected from literature and though 
studies) that software developers or anyone involved in software development 
activities, might experience in their work/ organizations.

"In Lean thinking, anything that doesn’t add value is considered Waste."

Now I really need your input to help us understand what wastes are the most 
important according to you and your experiences.
So, I really appreciate if you participate in my survey (15 mins 
approximately), and also spread it amongst your team/colleagues, and help us 
correct and improve our research.

I hope that you will also find it interesting reading on these wastes and to 
see which ones occur in your work or organization.

Lots of thanks in advance for your help and support! :)

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