On Sunday 01 April 2007, Jeff Rollin wrote:
> Hi list
> I like the new look of the website, but how on Earth does anyone make any
> sense of the links? Purple on black is a really bad idea, and that's from
> someone who doesn't have any accessibility issues with websites.
> Should this be filed as a bug?
> Jeff

This has nothing to do with the accessibility of the website, it inflects the 
usability, which is something completely different.
What isn't accessible is the layout which is based on tables, changing this to 
div's will increase the accessibility and the opportunity to easily create 
new designs.
The menus are awfull, I mean, come on, <a> tags separated by pipes? Imagine 
what text to speech software would make from that... What's wrong with using 
<ul> which is basically made for this?

Anyway, if you want to talk about accessibility, the first thing you should do 
is ask yourself the question if you know what accessibility is. If the answer 
to that question is no, then stick with the term usability.

some guidelines to get the website more accessible: http://www.w3.org/WAI/


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