On Wednesday 28 March 2007 17:06, Hamie wrote:
> On Wednesday 28 March 2007 10:18, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > We have all seen the enourmous feedback that Dell has got when asking for
> > the opinion of the community and hopefully they will use that feedback.
> > Now also Canon, who earlier has had very little interest in the Linux
> > community wants to know how many would be interested in them providing
> > Linux drivers for their printers. To make your  voice heard please go to
> > http://www.canon-europe.com/Support/Software/Linux/registration.asp. I
> > also hope that you all will help me in getting the word out so that as
> > many as possible will use this chance to make a diffrence.
> >
> > Best regards
> Not very useful... It's a bit chicken & egg...
> >>If you would like to register your interest in Linux printing for another
> >>Canon printer product please complete the following form and we will
> >>contact you if we release drivers matching your requirements. Please note
> >>that by registering Canon does not guarantee that drivers will be
> >>developed.
> So they want people to register for notification of drivers for a printer
> they already own... But most Linux users won't buy a printer unless it has
> drivers already. And the message I got from it was that they just want your
> email address incase they may do something in the future...
> I didn't see anywhere to put any feedback either...

Indeed, this is not a well designed form - more like a marketing 'executive' 
with absolutely no clue on user requirements was let loose to design and 
implement it.  Nevertheless, you do not *have* to use your real email 
address, but can register your interest all the same.  If their request is 
genuine for counting interested potential linux purchasers then they'll get 
that information alright.  If they want to enrich their CRM database with 
emails for future spam, then they won't get mine.

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