On Wednesday, 15. Feb 2017, 19:27:26 +0100, Johannes Rosenberger wrote:
> On 15.02.2017 19:10, Bertram Scharpf wrote:
> > I did not find this by Google. Maybe I asked the wrong
> > terms.
> >
> > The package "virtualbox-modules" contains some kernel
> > modules. When I built the package they landed in the
> > directory
> >
> >   # equery f app-emulation/virtualbox-modules                               
> >                                             
> >   ...
> >   /lib/modules/4.4.39-gentoo/misc/vboxdrv.ko
> >   /lib/modules/4.4.39-gentoo/misc/vboxnetadp.ko
> >   ...
> >
> > After a kernel update the VirtualBox won't find them any
> > more and do not expect that at all.
> >
> > I could delete the package and build-install it again, but
> > then the old kernels modules would disappear. I just want
> > to install the new ones.
> >
> > I could do a sequence of "ebuild" commands. Is there a
> > front end "emerge" command, too? Something like the -U flag? 
> emerge @module-rebuild
> (find out via 'emerge --list-sets')

Exactly what I searched for. Works.



Bertram Scharpf
Stuttgart, Deutschland/Germany

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