"Arttu V." <arttu...@gmail.com> writes:

> On 1/11/09, Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com> wrote:
>> Any regular files I create on the mounted share end up 744.
>> Can I set a umask in the mount syntax or what do I need to do here to
>> have the files keep the standard permissions?
> force create mode = 644
> force directory mode = 755
> Wouldn't that do it on the server so you wouldn't have to worry about
> the clients? Or have you already tried and it still fudges the access
> permissions?

I didn't know about those parameters but looking them up in man
smb.conf it appears it would not effect anything done by the clients.
Far as I understand it the servers smb.conf doesn't come into play when
a client mounts a share.  

I've already set 644 and 755 on the existing files... by hand as
reported in OP.

But let me try it out before nay saying too much.

I added those params to smb.conf  then restarted samba.

Went to a client... mounted a share and attempted to copy a directory
into the share from clients file system..

Remember now that user and group are the same for both server and
client on these particular files.

The change in server smb.conf appears to have changed nothing.  Still
when I copy or create files they have 744 instead of 644 permissions.

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