
have you noticed the hal update?

It just informed me about some trouble concerning my keyboard-layout. Keyboards as well as mice are now added automatically to xorg (and the evdev driver is used - hooray! always wanted to use evdev).

Yet, they are always added with us keyboard layout. So hal's ebuild suggested, that i use gnome's keyboard settings or that i use setxkbmap to override the us-setting.

So my first thought was: how to hell do i tell gdm to use "de" keyboard layout?

So what's the answer? How do i do it properly? How do i tell xorg-x11 to use "de" layout for all hot-plugged keyboards? Because gdm offers no keyboard-settings, as far as i know. And since my keyboard is "qwertz", i see a "y" when typing a "z" in gdm. gnome settings kick in AFTER logging in - so that's pretty useless for gdm.


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