Hi all,

So recently I've switched to musl and I've been trying to install this package 
nyxt (it's a browser upon webkit-gtk in ::guru) and it needs to be compiled 
with sbcl but for some reason I keep getting the error:

  Unable to load any of the alternatives:
   ("libwebkit2gtk-4.1.so" "libwebkit2gtk-4.0.so" "libwebkit2gtk-4.0.so.37")

despite net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.40.2-r410:4.1/0 being installed and I can see that

$ equery b libwebkit2gtk-4.1.so
 * Searching for libwebkit2gtk-4.1.so ... 
net-libs/webkit-gtk-2.40.2-r410 (/usr/lib/libwebkit2gtk-4.1.so -> 

During the installation of sbcl, the upstream provided binary didn't work with 
musl but I've changed the ebuild a little bit to first compile using clisp 
instead of that binary. But now sbcl does not see that I have this .so file 
when I try to compile nyxt. What to do?

Thank you!

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