Lets go back to square 1.

The keyboard is the most fundamental device ever, it was invented about 80 years before anyone figured out how to connect it to a computer, before the computer even existed actually....

The fundamental AT 101 keyboard, or microsoft's gay variant the PC-104, and the increasingly faggoty variants that have come since is still basically one almost absolutely interchangable device. You would have to go to a time before roughly 1986 to find a keyboard without modern edit keys. (search PC XT 83-key ).

Ok. So I am in a situation where an absolutely fundamental technology that's dead simple ( classically an 8042 microcontroller talking to another 8042 microcontroller over a really simple serial link...)

Since, presumably, EVERYONE uses this device, and EVERYONE would be screwed if any part of it stopped working for any reason, and it, theoretically, should be impossible to break because nobody would ever have any reason to touch the code that should have been basically calcified for the last fifteen years, and if they did touch it, *AND* test it, then they would instantly notice problems and such a change would never be committed to github much less make it out to the repository and onto my system.

Now I'm in a situation where something that couldn't possibly break, has been broken so utterly that I have no idea where even to begin. I looked at the manpage for setxkbmap and it's the normal moonspeak, talking about things that are utterly orthogonal to the problem I'm facing, and offering dozens of command line switches, all of them seem to have a 40-60% chance of being even slightly relevant. Google pulls up results from ten years ago.

The keyboard is known working, the console driver works great... So why two drivers???????

I know about 42% of the answer to that.... There are two worlds, TEXTBOOKLAND and the real world that we actually live in.

In textbookland, there are two types of devices: block devices and character devices. Nothing else exists, and unix is complete and perfect with just block devices and character devices. The linux console lives mostly in textbookland.

X11, however, has to work in the real world where it had to superimpose a whole new framework of event-driven devices like keyboards, mices, gamepads, etc... that operate in real time and support games and human interractions. I have not yet found /come across any textbook that acknowledges the existence of such devices. The kernel must provide some minimal, begrudging facility to allow them to exist but the workings of the entire stack is shrouded in mystery and obfuscation up to the user-level libraries such as SDL-input and such...

Linux, ofcourse, provides ten thousand different things to waste time becoming an expert on. It never entered even my most fevered immaginings that I would have to become an expert on the keyboard input system after figuring out how to toggle the layout over to dvorak...

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