I have recently started to experience two annoying issues with kontact/kmail. Sometime after an emerge world update in the last couple of weeks, kontact has started consuming huge amounts of RAM and swap. Currently "ps" for kontact shows:
USER PID %CPU %MEM VSZ RSS TTY STAT START TIME COMMAND jcunning 10190 1.7 23.3 1753588 480292 ? Sl 10:56 2:37 /usr/bin/kontact The second annoying issue is that when I restart kontact, it shortly begins reloading all the messages from all the email folders on my imaps server, even though virtually all the mailboxes are unchanged. The process takes several minutes, and while underway, kontact puts up a blue window with the message that it's reading the contents of the mailbox. I've tried setting kmail configuration options to minimize the reading and checking of mailboxes, but nothing seems to have any effect. Any ideas anybody? Thanks, -- Jim