Good afternoon!

I just finished installing a new Gentoo system and find, that I
am unable to logon to the system using my normal user account
with SSH. When I try to do so, I get the following in my syslog:

Mar  1 13:45:13 dewuga01 sshd[3519]: error: Could not get shadow information 
for vz6tml
Mar  1 13:45:13 dewuga01 sshd[3519]: Failed password for vz6tml from port 49724 ssh2

We are using "traditional NIS" with NO shadow database. Thus,
the password is in the passwd encoded, like this:


root (and also any other non-NIS-User, I suppose) is able to
logon with SSH. With telnet (netkit-telnet) I'm also able to
logon using my normal user account - but I'd rather not use

When I use a SSH public key, I can login just fine. But I'd
also like to be able to use my password to login.

On a different (older) Gentoo system, everything works just

What might I have to tune, so that the new system also
behaves the way I want it to?

Thanks a lot,

Alexander Skwar
How should I know if it works?  That's what beta testers are for.  I
only coded it.
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