On Tuesday 06 January 2009 15:39:48 I wrote:

> I have a server with two printers connected, set up using the cups Web
> page and operating properly. Now I want to send print jobs to them from
> my workstation, which is on the same network, and with the same version
> of cups: 1.3.9-r1. One of the printers is an HP Deskjet D4260, so I also
> have hplip version 2.8.6b installed on both machines. I can connect
> either printer to either machine and print locally without any problems.
> However, I cannot get anything to print over the network. If, on the
> workstation, I declare the network laser printer and connect to it, all
> appears to work until I send a print job to it; the job sits in the lp
> queue locally, and when I next look at the status of the printer it
> says "Destination printer does not exist!"
> If I try to set up the Deskjet as a remote printer in the local cups
> server, I get "Filter "foomatic-rip" for printer "HP_Deskjet_D4260" not
> available: No such file or directory".
> I don't know what to try next. Anyone any idea here?

Well, I don't know what I did differently, but once again I zapped the 
server root partition, recovered it from a known good, minimal backup, 
brought it up to date and set cups up again. Now when I go to a client box 
and run the KDE printer setup utility, it shows the printers and even 
allows me to configure them. I don't touch the cups server on the client, 
other than to point /etc/cups/client.conf to the server.

There are still some oddities, but those can wait now.

Thanks to all for their help.


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