Whenever i try to emerge x11-drm i get the following error:

Calculating dependencies... done!
>>> Emerging (1 of 1) x11-base/x11-drm-20060608 to /
>>> checking ebuild checksums ;-)
>>> checking auxfile checksums ;-)
>>> checking miscfile checksums ;-)
>>> checking x11-drm-20060608-gentoo-0.1.tar.bz2 ;-)
>>> checking linux-drm-20060608-kernelsource.tar.bz2 ;-)
* Determining the location of the kernel source code
* Found kernel source directory:
*     /usr/src/linux
* Found sources for kernel version:
*     2.6.16-gentoo-r13
* Please verify that your /usr/src/linux symlink is pointing
* to your current kernel sources, and that you did run:
*   # make dep

!!! ERROR: x11-base/x11-drm-20060608 failed.
Call stack:
 ebuild.sh, line 1555:   Called dyn_setup
 ebuild.sh, line 668:   Called pkg_setup
 x11-drm-20060608.ebuild, line 49:   Called is_kernel '2' '6'
 x11.eclass, line 68:   Called get_KV_info
 x11.eclass, line 57:   Called check_version_h
 x11.eclass, line 52:   Called die

!!! /usr/src/linux symlink not setup!
!!! If you need support, post the topmost build error, and the call stack if relevant.

my /usr/src/linux symlink is just fine, i checked it myself and point to the right kernel source, so im stuck. I also cant emerge ati-drivers since it conflicts with xorg-x11.
I have an Ati Radeon 9200

Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance

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