Hi Bo,

Further to my late posting, I have Gnome-light up running with further
2 steps:-

- ran "revdep-rebuild"
- ran "emerge gnome-light"
- update conf files
- rebooted PC
- login as user
- gnome-light 2.14 started
  (a warning popup:
   The panel encountered a problem while
   loading "OAFHD:GBOME_Miexer Applet"
   Deleted the file

Checking /var/log/messages, found following problems

Sep  8 11:20:08 localhost dhcpcd[4191]: timed out waiting for a 
valid DHCP $$ service net.eth0
Sep  8 11:20:08 localhost rc-scripts:         netmount was not 

Sep  8 11:33:44 localhost dhcpcd[4135]: timed out waiting for a 
valid DHCP $

I don't need netmount.  Dynamic IP is provided on connecting broadband.

This is only a test on building Gentoo and Gnome-light.  After test 
finished, I'll emerge Gnome to replace Gnome-light.  Tks.

gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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