On 05/13/2010 03:22 AM, Amit Dor-Shifer wrote:

On 05/13/10 00:54, walt wrote:
On 05/12/2010 05:25 AM, Amit Dor-Shifer wrote:
Hi all.
After updating world, xorg-1.5.3-r6 to 1.7.6 among others, I'm now faced with 
a/m issue.
1. left ctrl key works fine, so does the down arrow key on the numpad.
2. Seems like the "down" key generates a double sequence: both the "down" event 
and a newline.
I've no idea how to proceed w/this. Any clues would be appreciated.

With every version of X11, the amount of stuff in xorg.conf gets less,
as part of the xorg design. I can see from your xorg.log that you have
things in xorg.conf that shouldn't be there any longer. Specifically,
you seem to be using the keyboard and mouse drivers *and* evdev at the
same time, which is wrong -- evdev has replaced the mouse and keyboard
drivers, and you don't need an "Input device" section for either of them

I should have said *I* don't need an Input device section any more :)

Actually I moved some of my custom stuff from xorg.conf to the hal config
files -- but hal is deprecated now and I should it back to xorg.conf again.
Thanks for the reminder.

I suggest you generate a new xorg.conf by running "X -configure" and
use the result as a good place to add a few custom things like these:
(**) Option "xkb_layout" "en_US,ru"
(**) Option "xkb_variant" ",winkeys"
(**) Option "xkb_options" "grp:shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll"

Thanks. X -configure solved it.
As long as we're at the subject:Those options you're mentioning, would they go under the 
""Keyboard0" device?
I Added some options there:
Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
  Driver "kbd"        <******* "kbd" driver is obsolete, use "evdev" or just 
delete this line
# added - begin
Option "xkb_layout" "en_US,il"
Option "xkb_variant" ",winkeys"
Option "xkb_options" "grp:rwin_toggle -option grp_led:scroll us,il"
Option "xkb_options" "grp:lwin_toggle -option grp_led:scroll us,il"
# added - end

, yet I don't see evidence of them getting read in Xorg.0.log.
Rather, I see the following:

(II) XINPUT: Adding extended input device "AT Translated Set 2 keyboard" (type: 
(**) Option "xkb_rules" "evdev"
(**) Option "xkb_model" "pc104"
(**) Option "xkb_layout" "en_US,ru"
(**) Option "xkb_variant" ",winkeys"
(**) Option "xkb_options" "grp:shift_toggle,grp_led:scroll"

See my comment above.  Don't use the "kbd" driver.  Xorg seems to use evdev by 
default now
instead of "kbd" and "mouse".

The (**) means that X is reading those lines from xorg.conf.  Are you sure you 
are really
using the new xorg.conf and not the old one by mistake?  Xorg.log tells you 
which conf file
it is reading.

Also, X complains "(WW) The directory "/usr/share/fonts/TTF/" does not exist.", 
I actually removed that reference from /etc/x11/xorg.conf. Yes it still insists on reading it.

Is there some cfg cache used by X, perhaps?

Depending on your configuration, there may be some font and/or keyboard stuff 
in your own
home directory.  You may need to search or grep some subdirectories to find it 
if it's not

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