On Sunday 22 October 2006 17:14, Grant wrote:
> > > Does anyone else have a comment on this?  Does turning on berkdb
> > > increase the performance of the applications that can utilize it, with
> > > the downside of another package on the system?  How about gdbm?
> >
> > At one point berkdb and gdbm conflicted in cyrus-sasl and I think there
> > were issues in PHP as well... this is roughly 2-3 years ago. I started
> > turning berkdb off for most things and never noticed a difference. My
> > understanding is that they do the same thing.
> >
> > I'd say using neither is an issue. Apache will start, process config
> > files, and then use berkdb or gdbm to create a hash of the vhosts for
> > fast lookups. I'd assume Apache has some less efficient fallback code to
> > hash configs or it would fail to build without one or the other.
> It sounds like I should have one or the other on.  I guess I'll go for
> berkdb since it's a default and gdbm is not.

In the amd64-2006+ and x86-2005.1+ profiles both berkdb and gdbm are on by 
default. This leaves the choice to the applications.
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