Walter Dnes <waltdnes <at>> writes:

>   I vaguely remember a while ago, somebody on this list asked about

> firefox -new-instance -P trusted &
> firefox -new-instance -P default &
> ps -ef | grep firefox

  Very cool.

I have sometimes wanted to use the same bookmarks file/db for
all of my web browesers I have compiled on a given system.
For seamonkey and firefox that should not be too difficult
as they have the same file structure in your ~<home>/.mozilla/
directory structures. So just point them (sym link) to the same file
should do the trick, as long as they are both not running
at the same time.

The tricks I never got around to figuring out was how to use
the same bookmarks, simultaneously with both running that the same
time, as well as other differnt  web browsers, such as Opera etc

Suggestions and ideas are most welcome on this scenario.


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