On 2019-11-04 22:46, n952162 wrote:

 > Ah, I didn't know that about running fsck multiple times - I remember
 > after doing my home directory - the more important one - it did say
 > "file system modified". I don't remember if the root fsck said that,
 > though. But it looks like I'm going to have re-install gentoo, in any
 > case, because virtualbox is all sitting in lost+found.

A tip: whatever the virtues of journaling FS, it doesn't hurt to keep
around a recovery tool along the lines of app-admin/testdisk.

It saved my a*e earlier this year when I carelessly scribbled over my
archive drive with thousands of pictures.  I'd skipped doing
ls -l /dev/disk/by-id and thought the output of my dd command was going
to a thumb drive I'd just inserted.

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