Joseph <syscon780 <at>> writes:

> I'll be interested in setting up RAID-1. Is it hard?
> I've never done it and I know there is plenty of information on line 
> about RAID-1

> Is it hard to set it UP RAID-1


Here is an excellent link for you to read. I'm *NOT* saying use
BTRFS, as it may or maynot be the right choice for you at this
time. What I am saying is many folks are very happy with BTRFS
and eventually, many folks believe that btrfs will be a worderful
FS choice. Choices that encompasse mirroring and many other
features of an advanced file system are goals for btrfs as well
of other FS offerings. Naturally expect folks to become quite
animated as you openly discuss file system choices. File systems
chioces with raid are very important as to the exact goals that
are BEST for YOU.

The choice of a  file-system here at Gentoo, is always a defensible
event, so it is not to be made lightly.


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