On 08/16/2019 06:21:30 PM, Jack wrote:
On 2019.08.16 12:00, Helmut Jarausch wrote:
On 08/16/2019 05:25:34 PM, Jack wrote:
try "lsof /cdrom"?  It says the mount point, not the device, might be busy.

This didn't show anything.
I still don't know the cause of my problems.
But fortunately, they have been resolved by recompiling the kernel (5.2.0), systemd and all packages depending on systemd - using the new gcc-9.2.0

Furthermore I had to add the use flags
cgroup-hybrid -sysv-utils
for systemd. This hasn't been necessary before - very strange.
For me, systemd is a monster which I haven't understood.
I try to not use it since I am using openrc.
Perhaps I have to remove it from my system and use eudev instead of udev as part of systemd.

Thanks for trying to help me - it was a really strange situation.

If you are using openrc (as I am) I would say you really don't want systemd installed at all. I can't imagine any good coming from that. You do need eudev, I also have elogind installed, but I'm not sure if it's absolutely required, or if I had some other reason for installing (possibly to get rid of consolekit?)

Thank you Jack and Laurence!

I've put the (possibly dangerous) task to get rid of systemd on my to-do list. Meanwhile, the issue is resolved here - most probably because I uninstalled sys-fs/udiskie. (Less likely because I upgraded the kernel from 5.2.8 to 5.2.9)

Many thanks again,

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