Hello list,

Id like to present you etc-proposals and am interested in your opinion.

For gentoo-users, who like the commandline, etc-proposals is a gentoo 
configuration file updater, that, unlike etc-update and dispatch-conf, provides 
a shell with tabcompletion and allows updating of selected fileparts.

* lean dependancies (only portage and readline, no
  diff, no rcs, nothing else)
* shell-like UI with tabcompletion and history
* can be used just like dispatch-conf, so you dont
  need to learn anything new (however, you might
  actually like the additional features)
* the ability to accept certain changes to a file,
  while dismissing others
* dynamical recalculation of changes (i.e. if on
  update proposes to change a line and is accepted,
  the user wont be asked again, if a second update
  proposes the same)
* the ability to accept/dismiss all changes to a
* the ability to review decisions before they are
* showing changes in a change/proposal/file/dir/all
* the ability to undo decisions, if they are not yet
  merged into the filesystem
* undo a change/proposal/file/dir
* goto <change>, completely with tabcompletion
* merging of changes to the configuration files is not
  done on a file-by-file basis, but can be triggered
  at any time. This allows the user to review his
* provides the ability to edit a proposed changes,
  opening the editor of choice at the changed lines
  (this is currently supported in nano, emacs and vi)
* keeps decisions on proposed changes, even if the tool 
  is stopped
* online help from the shell
* clean packaging using distutils - an ebuild is
  provided too

Homepage: http://michaelsen.kicks-ass.net/Members/bjoern/etcproposals/

Hoping for some good feedback,

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