
I've used gentoo fo a couple of years and love it. Just now i use
mythbuntu, but i do miss gentoo. The problems with gentoo for me was a
few. I use the system as a desktop/fileserver/mythbackend. The problems
was mostly that nuvexport in portage is rather old, if i download it
from http://forevermore.net/files/nuvexport it claims that i must use a
svn-ffmpeg and that the ffmpeg-package in portage doesn't work. This
makes a lot of problems for me, because if i compile a svn-ffmpeg it
will break a lot of other things for me.

Does anyone on this list use gentoo and mythtv + nuvexport, i need to
export to both xvid and x264, and have this working fine? Any tip would
make me very happy.


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