[geo] Will Russia resist geo-eng efforts now?

2009-09-11 Thread Andrew Revkin
The big question remains, who gets to set the planet's (or even Arctic's) temperature. Given this news, will Russia resist? http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/11/science/earth/11passage.html comments welcome here:

[geo] Re: SRM vs. CDR research (was: monsoons)

2009-09-11 Thread John Nissen
Yes, John, time is of the essence. Most scientists would acknowledge that loss of the Arctic sea ice could be catastrophic, because of knock-on effects from methane and sea level rise. Neither emissions reduction nor CDRA are quick enough in reducing global temperature to save the Arctic sea

[geo] Re: Will Russia resist geo-eng efforts now?

2009-09-11 Thread Alvia Gaskill
Will Russia resist geo-eng efforts now?I submitted this one and it appears it went through. The blog doesn't tell you if your comment has been submitted. I learned this after repeatedly hitting the submit key until it told me I would have to wait to submit another comment. Another gliche for

[geo] Re: Will Russia resist geo-eng efforts now?

2009-09-11 Thread Eugene I. Gordon
You have to click on Comment at the top of the comments section and if your name appears in light print it won't work. If your contact name is dark it will work. Terrible and frustrating situation. I think the Russians will block geo over the Arctic but I sincerely hope you are right. I am not