Hi all,

According to our paper published January 2017, available for download at: http://www.earth-syst-dynam.net/8/1/2017/ climate warming and ice melt begins to deactivate the vertical cycling of ocean, even by stratifying parts of it. Increasing temperatures and pH decrease at the ocean surfaces, further deactivates their CO2 absorption capacity. Only after the ice melt will have increased to much more massive levels covering increasing ocean regions with melt water layers of lower salinity the activation of phytoplankton assimilation by iron fertilization originating from trapped mineral dust and glacial flour may stop further greenhouse gas increase and climate warming. Should mankind wait until these days when nature might be as friendly as to stop any further climate warming in this way? No! Because nature has shown us much more efficient tools how to stop climate warming and how to turn climate temperatures back mankind should be able to stop climate warming now by regulating the levels of the greenhouse gases by depleting them just with those tools nature has presented to us many times during the last million years.


------ Originalnachricht ------
Von: "Michael MacCracken" <mmacc...@comcast.net>
An: klaus.lack...@asu.edu; "s.sal...@ed.ac.uk" <s.sal...@ed.ac.uk>; "geoengineering@googlegroups.com" <geoengineering@googlegroups.com>
Gesendet: 19.03.2017 21:28:39
Betreff: Re: [geo] Record Increase in Air CO2

I'd only add that in your way of thinking, the drain can also get clogged (e.g., if the rate of ocean overturning is slowed by the warming, which would also reduce the amount of nutrients coming to the surface, so also slow the biological pump). This is how one would presumably represent the increasing atmospheric fraction.


On 3/19/17 2:43 PM, Klaus Lackner wrote:
This is therefore a good time to educate people. Emissions did not increase, but the annual rise in CO2 increased. It allows you to explain that CO2, once put into the air, sticks to it.

I find it amazing that this far more intuitive way of thinking, has been wiped out by a conceptually much more complex flow model, which in this case is not even correct. I think you see 30 years of education of acid rain misapplied to CO2. It seems much more intuitive to consider a bathtub filling up in response to an open faucet than to consider the faucet being in equilibrium with a drain, and that the drain rate increases with increased fill, and that therefore a particular filling rate from the faucet is associated with a particular level in the tub. Note that having a drain is not enough. If the drain rate is independent of the fill rate, raising the flow rate from the faucet will lead to a continuous and unabated rise.

A sudden increase in the CO2 level in the atmosphere, will increase the drain rate, but the drain rate slows down as the layer in equilibrium gets thicker. One way of looking at it is to consider the CO2 emission rate that holds CO2 in the air constant. It drops rapidly over time, even if instantly it might be 50% of current emissions.

Once this is understood, we can begin to worry why the fraction of CO2 that goes out of the atmosphere seems to shrink.


From: <geoengineering@googlegroups.com> <mailto:geoengineering@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Michael MacCracken <mmacc...@comcast.net> <mailto:mmacc...@comcast.net> Reply-To: "mmacc...@comcast.net" <mailto:mmacc...@comcast.net><mmacc...@comcast.net> <mailto:mmacc...@comcast.net>
Date: Sunday, March 19, 2017 at 9:30 AM
To: "s.sal...@ed.ac.uk" <mailto:s.sal...@ed.ac.uk><s.sal...@ed.ac.uk> <mailto:s.sal...@ed.ac.uk>, "geoengineering@googlegroups.com" <mailto:geoengineering@googlegroups.com><geoengineering@googlegroups.com> <mailto:geoengineering@googlegroups.com>
Subject: Re: [geo] Record Increase in Air CO2

I'd guess what they meant was that global emissions were about the same (I think the Global Carbon Project report has indicated this). There is this serious misperception that if emissions don't go up, concentrations won't go up, and so all we have to do is stop growth in emissions.


On 3/19/17 6:39 AM, Stephen Salter wrote:

Hi All

The Financial Times story was about reported emissions and the NOAA report was about atmospheric measurements.

Perhaps reports have been tweeked or CO2 sinks have become less effective.


On 19/03/2017 09:16, 'Robert Tulip' via geoengineering wrote:

The International Energy Agency and Financial Times are claiming the opposite.

https://www.ft.com/content/540ebb0c-0a60-11e7-ac5a-903b21361b43 <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.ft.com_content_540ebb0c-2D0a60-2D11e7-2Dac5a-2D903b21361b43&d=DQMFaQ&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=WGnYI4fX8RG4vRYEgQ58RGqZxcDNS0ar5UCuy0zW9_A&m=1XTqe1Tj9N1WDBwpI1xrET0_dSN1aGigUbf-P2HBlKA&s=voxC__g9yDWN1GEoQFBwJhy7RzJDOuKk6fbD1xxT5Qk&e=> makes the false claim of "global CO2 levels in 2016 virtually unchanged from the two previous years, the International Energy Agency said."

Robert Tulip

From: Greg Rau <gh...@sbcglobal.net> <mailto:gh...@sbcglobal.net>
To: Geoengineering <geoengineering@googlegroups.com> <mailto:geoengineering@googlegroups.com> Cc: Arctic Methane Google Group <arcticmeth...@googlegroups.com> <mailto:arcticmeth...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 15 March 2017, 5:41
Subject: [geo] Record Increase in Air CO2

https://phys.org/news/2017-03-carbon-dioxide-rose-pace-2nd.html <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__phys.org_news_2017-2D03-2Dcarbon-2Ddioxide-2Drose-2Dpace-2D2nd.html&d=DQMFaQ&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=WGnYI4fX8RG4vRYEgQ58RGqZxcDNS0ar5UCuy0zW9_A&m=1XTqe1Tj9N1WDBwpI1xrET0_dSN1aGigUbf-P2HBlKA&s=56Uwd9giBhr2nR874l_BTRPgGwYyaldo16YgoMS3WFI&e=>

"The two-year, 6-ppm surge in the greenhouse gas <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__phys.org_tags_greenhouse-2Bgas_&d=DQMFaQ&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=WGnYI4fX8RG4vRYEgQ58RGqZxcDNS0ar5UCuy0zW9_A&m=1XTqe1Tj9N1WDBwpI1xrET0_dSN1aGigUbf-P2HBlKA&s=p17Mhe5V35B8Fwaocrle0YjCrtc2BAW3qaw51yOGojI&e=> between 2015 and 2017 is unprecedented in the observatory's 59-year record. And, it was a record fifth consecutive year that carbon dioxide <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__phys.org_tags_carbon-2Bdioxide_&d=DQMFaQ&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=WGnYI4fX8RG4vRYEgQ58RGqZxcDNS0ar5UCuy0zW9_A&m=1XTqe1Tj9N1WDBwpI1xrET0_dSN1aGigUbf-P2HBlKA&s=niGg254pva38LfUM5ftQJZ6GJtj1oCGqe2gTQ9ujXE4&e=> (CO2) rose by 2 ppm or greater, said Pieter Tans, lead scientist of NOAA's Global Greenhouse Gas Reference Network."

GR - If anthro emissions have plateaued, https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2016/nov/14/fossil-fuel-co2-emissions-nearly-stable-for-third-year-in-row <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.theguardian.com_environment_2016_nov_14_fossil-2Dfuel-2Dco2-2Demissions-2Dnearly-2Dstable-2Dfor-2Dthird-2Dyear-2Din-2Drow&d=DQMFaQ&c=AGbYxfJbXK67KfXyGqyv2Ejiz41FqQuZFk4A-1IxfAU&r=WGnYI4fX8RG4vRYEgQ58RGqZxcDNS0ar5UCuy0zW9_A&m=1XTqe1Tj9N1WDBwpI1xrET0_dSN1aGigUbf-P2HBlKA&s=V6xqM6Rxn8ba-ULIDLR5ciVuybmcsprej9AE6Nsxcpw&e=> why the dramatic increase in CO2? A runaway GH is upon us? Anyway, is it time yet to admit that anthro emissions reduction is failing and to find out if CDR is more than a figment of IPCC's imagination?

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