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A multimodel examination of climate extremes in an idealized geoengineering

Charles L. Curry, Jana Sillmann, David Bronaugh, Kari Alterskjaer, Jason N.
S. Cole4, Duoying Ji, Ben Kravitz, Jón Egill Kristjánsson, John C.
Moore, Helene Muri, Ulrike Niemeier, Alan Robock,Simone Tilmes and Shuting

Article first published online: 14 APR 2014

DOI: 10.1002/2013JD020648

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres

Volume 119, Issue 7, pages 3900–3923, 16 April 2014

Temperature and precipitation extremes are examined in the Geoengineering
Model Intercomparison Project experiment G1, wherein an instantaneous
quadrupling of CO2 from its preindustrial control value is offset by a
commensurate reduction in solar irradiance. Compared to the preindustrial
climate, changes in climate extremes under G1 are generally much smaller
than under 4 × CO2 alone. However, it is also the case that extremes of
temperature and precipitation in G1 differ significantly from those under
preindustrial conditions. Probability density functions of standardized
anomalies of monthly surface temperature  and precipitation  in G1 exhibit
an extension of the high- tail over land, of the low- tail over ocean, and
a shift of  to drier conditions. Using daily model output, we analyzed the
frequency of extreme events, such as the coldest night (T), warmest day
(T), and maximum 5 day precipitation amount, and also duration indicators
such as cold and warm spells and consecutive dry days. The strong heating
at northern high latitudes simulated under 4 × CO2 is much alleviated
in G1, but significant warming remains, particularly for T compared to T.
Internal feedbacks lead to regional increases in absorbed solar radiation
at the surface, increasing temperatures over Northern Hemisphere land in
summer. Conversely, significant cooling occurs over the tropical oceans,
increasing cold spell duration there. Globally, G1 is more effective in
reducing changes in temperature extremes compared to precipitation extremes
and for reducing changes in precipitation extremes versus means but
somewhat less effective at reducing changes in temperature extremes
compared to means.

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