Any plans to dim the Sun and cool the Earth must be led by those most
affected by climate change

Elil Hoole, Shaun Fitzgerald

The developed countries of the “global north” are responsible for 92% of
excess global emissions, according to a 2020 study in The Lancet Planetary
Yet it is the rest of the world – the “global south” – that
disproportionately bears the brunt of climate change. Emergency measures to
reflect more of the Sun could help temporarily avoid the worst impacts, but
it must serve to improve the safety of those most affected.

Somewhere between 15% and 40% of CO₂ emissions will remain in the
atmosphere longer than 1,000 years <>.
Since so much climate change is already “locked in”
any strategy to tackle it based on emissions reduction alone, regardless of
how quickly we reduce them, would still result in catastrophic ice losses
in the Arctic and Antarctica leading to sea level rise, loss of low-lying
countries and hundreds of millions of climate refugees. It would still mean
global food and water shortages, massive flooding and wild fires, and a
permanent loss of ecosystems. These devastating changes will continue to
disproportionately impact the global south.

We believe the best way to avert major disaster is to develop and deploy
temporary schemes which can partially shield some of the Earth from
incoming solar radiation, at least until emissions reductions and carbon
capture and storage can be scaled up.

There are two main approaches which have very different characteristics.
The first involves releasing small reflective particles into the upper
atmosphere, which would reflect sunlight back into space. Known as
“stratospheric aerosol injection”, this process would cool the globe for
several years or more, but it is controversial because of the potential for
global and long-lasting unintended consequences

The other approach, “marine cloud brightening”, involves ships generating
sea spray. The water droplets evaporate and the resulting salt crystals get
carried up into the air. This gives clouds something to form around, and
helps cool the planet since the clouds formed by small salt crystals
reflect more of the Sun’s energy.

As these particles are returned to the ocean in a matter of weeks, it is
much easier to “turn off” cloud brightening if ever it was deemed
necessary. Together with its potential to be deployed on a more regional
basis, this makes it more likely to be acceptable to the public and
less dust at sea, so it’s harder for clouds to first form. anjan58 / flickr
<>Real-world experiments

Most of what we understand about these technologies come from computer
simulations known as climate models. There have been some real-world
experiments, however. For instance China has injected particles in the
atmosphere to try and seed new clouds and encourage precipitation
remote mountains, and has covered a glacier with cloth
<> to
prevent it melting. In Peru, authorities once painted a mountain white
<> in order to reflect more heat and
protect its glacier (darker colours are more absorbent). There are plans to
protect Australia’s Great Barrier Reef with cloud brightening

These initial steps give us valuable insights into the possibilities and
limitations of these technologies. But further funding and research is
needed to understand the limitations and risks
[image: Mountain landscape]
cloud seeding plans are aimed at saving glaciers in the remote Qilian
Mountains. kidchen915, CC BY-NC-SA

There are technical questions to be addressed, but there are also critical
social science issues – research will need to examine the contexts in which
these kinds of technology develop, with a focus on dimensions of gender,
ethics, justice, equity and sustainable development among communities most
affected by climate change. Research collaborations and governance
mechanisms must evolve to provide space for leadership from these
communities, which will in turn strengthen global capacities to develop and
deploy safe, inclusive technologies as an intermediate solution to climate
Potential to avert catastrophe

The cost of climate injustice cannot be easily quantified. However,
communities least able to adapt, perhaps due to a lack of resources,
pre-existing conflicts, or because they’re based in an area already prone
to droughts or hurricanes, may well argue that no amount of climate change
is safe. Technological advancements such as marine cloud brightening mean
there is a potential pathway to avert catastrophe and this needs to be
further developed.

If we place human life and global environmental security at the heart of
our response, we must explore potential technologies that could save
countless lives and stave off the worst impacts of climate change until
mitigation policies catch up with reality. But crucially, decisions on how
the research is undertaken and whether interventions should be deployed
have to be led by (not just involve) those who will otherwise be most
affected by climate change.

One possible way forward is to establish research centres in the global
south. Exchange between centres could be co-hosted by an inter-governmental
body such as the UN’s environment programme UNEP, together with civil
society and academia. Something similar happened during the Green
Revolution in the 1950s and 1960s when new agricultural technologies spread
worldwide, and can be seen in humanitarian situations today.

Regional bodies, such as the African Union and the Association of Southeast
Asian Nations, could get involved, though the question of who will actually
deploy these technologies – which country’s navy or air force will spray
the particles – should be decided by international agreement. Nations most
affected by the effects of climate change (and least able to adapt) should
play leadership roles in not just steering the research but overseeing who,
how and when any deployment is made.

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