Geoengineering: Scientists in Berlin debate radical ways to reverse global
warming[image: BP206G Smoke in a forest, sun comes slowly through the fume,

Sunshine through trees, 2010. Credit: Jochen Tack / Alamy Stock Photo.

Research scientists, policymakers and ethicists gathered in Berlin this
week to discuss the emerging field of “climate engineering” and what it
could mean for the planet.

Climate engineering
also known as geoengineering, is a term used to describe an array of
technologies – many of which remain hypothetical – for altering the global
climate in order to lessen the effects of climate change.

The four-day conference <> has been organised
by the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies
<> (IASS) in Potsdam, Germany, and includes
speakers and participants from across the world, including Japan, Jamaica,
the US and India.

Tuesday’s proceedings kicked off with talks aimed at bringing the audience
up to speed with the latest research into the two main categories of
geoengineering technologies: carbon dioxide removal
and solar radiation management

First up was Dr Naomi Vaughan
<>, a researcher from the Tyndall
Centre for Climate Change Research <> at the
of East Anglia <>. Her talk touched on recent
research into a variety of CDR technologies, including biomass energy
carbon capture and storage
 (BECCS), soil carbon sequestration
 and reforestation
and how important these techniques could be to meeting the goals of the Paris
She told the conference:

“The Paris goals of 2C and 1.5C require CO2 removal and at the moment most
of our future scenarios of the global energy system and land use assume
it’s being delivered by biomass energy carbon capture and storage. But the
feasibility of this BECCS is difficult to assess – especially at this scale
– because it’s highly interconnected with existing social systems around
food, energy, water and biodiversity.”

(Carbon Brief has previously published articles on the emergence
 and importance

Following on was Dr Ben Kravitz
<>, a
researcher at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory <> in
Washington. His talk focused on the recent progress of SRM, a term
describing techniques that aim to reflect incoming sunlight in order to
cool the Earth’s surface.

Hypothetical SRM technologies include brightening clouds or releasing solar
aerosols into the stratosphere to reflect sunlight.

Kravitz claimed that modelling work simulating the impact of such
technologies shows that they could theoretically reduce the amount of
warming and may even lower the incidence of some extreme weather events.

However, modelling can only take us so far in our understanding of SRMs, he
added, stressing the need for outdoor observational studies of such
technologies to begin. “If SRMs are unworkable, we need to know now,” he
told the audience.

(Carbon Brief has previously reported on the potential benefits
 and worries
SRM technologies).

On the sidelines of the conference, Kravitz spoke to Carbon Brief about the
potential challenges in making SRM techniques a reality. In the clip below,
Kravitz says that the primary challenge of SRM is that it exists solely “in
the modelling world”, which makes it difficult to understand its true risks
and effects.

These talks were followed by short introductions by speakers from a range
of research projects and non-governmental organisations. Among the speakers
were Dr Phil Williamson
<>, director of the UK
Greenhouse Gas Removal Research Programme
and Janos Pasztor
former senior advisor to the UN Secretary-General on climate change.

Following the morning plenary, delegates were invited to join a range of
sessions, which were held under the Chatham House rule
<>. The sessions
explored everything from how to govern emerging geoengineering to the role
that religious leaders could play in engaging the public on climate

Sessions were also conducted by those who are strongly opposed to
geoengineering, including Linda Schneider
<>from the Heinrich Böll
Foundation <>.

Advertising a session called, “A change of course: Radical emission
reduction pathways to stay under 1.5C”, she said:

“Climate change is not an engineering problem. There are many viable
alternatives to bring our societies on a pathway towards 1.5C without
geoengineering. A technofix mentality and powerful vested interests prevent
us from implementing them.”

Midway through the sessions, journalists were invited to attended a press

Leading the proceedings was Mark Lawrence, director of the Institute for
Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS). He told the conference:

“It will be very difficult to achieve the Paris Agreement targets without
resorting to some form of climate engineering. So we urgently need an open
and critical debate on the different forms and consequences of such
interventions in the climate system.”

Also in attendance were Lili Fuhr <>,
from the Heinrich Böll Foundation, Prof David Keith
<>, from Harvard University
<> and Pablo Suarez
<>, from the Red Cross
Red Crescent Climate Centre <> in the

A full write-up of the press conference is available here

As sessions resumed in the afternoon, Carbon Brief spoke to Dr Rob Bellamy
<>, from the Institute for
Science, Innovation and Society at the University of Oxford

Bellamy had been speaking at a session called “Public Engagement and
Climate Engineering: Whither and How?” In the clip below, he describes how
past efforts to engage the public in climate engineering may have backfired.
Evening talk

In the evening, a public debate was held with a panel including Keith,
Fuhr, Suarez, Pasztor, alongside Oliver Geden
<>, from the German
Institute for International and Security Affairs
<>, H Elizabeth Thompson
<>, former assistant
secretary-general of the United Nations, and Oliver Morton
<>, journalist and
author of The Planet Remade <>.

During the discussion, the panel fiercely debated the case for research
into implementing geoengineering strategies, with Keith arguing for more
research into the potential effects of geoengineering. He pointed out that,
if greenhouse gas emissions were stopped today, there is still a small
chance that the world could experience substantial global warming by the
end of the century. Therefore, negative emissions technologies could be
vital to tackling climate change, he said.

However, others on the panel argued against the progression of
geoengineering research, asking the audience to think about the uncertain
risks proposed by such experiments. Fuhr said it was wrong to talk of a
“binary choice” between geoengineering and a climate disaster, while
Thompson asked how geoengineering would help those suffering from the
impacts of climate change in the Caribbean.


Wednesday proceedings began with a morning of diverse sessions on the wider
implications of climate engineering.

In a session titled, “Trumped! A new politics of climate engineering?”,
speakers from as far as Japan, Brazil and Nigeria were asked to comment on
how the rise of populism in many countries could influence future
implementation of geoengineering.

Topics of conversation ranged from how accepting populist world leaders
could be of geoengineering, to whether they can be trusted with the “access
to the global thermostat” which could come with new technologies.

“We need to change the [economic] system, not the planet,” one speaker

Other sessions discussed how SRM strategies involving the release of
aerosols could affect air pollution, and how developing world countries
could be included in conversations about future geoengineering research.
Heading outdoors

In the afternoon, the delegates of the conference gathered to learn more
about one of the world’s first outdoor SRM experiments.

Keith, along with colleagues Lizzie Burns
<>and Prof Frank Keutsch
<>, also from Harvard
University, explained the aims and methods of their research project, which
is known as SCoPEx <>.

The SCoPEx experiment plans to use a high-altitude balloon to lift a
package containing aerosols 20km up into the atmosphere. There, the
aerosols will be released and their potential effects on the stratosphere
will be observed. The team plan to launch their first balloon in the autumn
next year.

The aim of the experiment is to gather observational data that could tell
us more about the potential risks and effects of releasing aerosols into
the stratosphere, Keith said. He told the audience:

“There are things that it’s not. It’s not the first solar geoengineering
experiment, there have been at least two.

“Second, it’s not a field test. To me, a test is something you do well down
the engineering system, where there is a serious decision to deploy that
system and you want to test that in a binary way. That’s not what we’re
doing. What we’re doing is something much earlier, it’s really applied
atmospheric science.”

The wider goal of research into releasing aerosols into the atmosphere is
to reflect sunlight, which could help to reduce the amount of warming
caused by human-driven climate change.

However, the research team faced criticism from the audience, including
from representatives of the Heinrich Böll Foundation, who suggested that
SCoPEx marked the beginning of a “slippery slope” into uncontrolled SRM

Wednesday’s proceedings rounded off with a plenary exploring the governance
challenges caused by climate engineering.

The conference will conclude on Thursday afternoon with a “town hall” final
plenary to “take stock of what we have learned” and provide the
“opportunity to look ahead and consider the roles that CDR and SRM might
play in future climate policy.”
« The Carbon Brief Quiz 2017
Tags: climate engineeringgeoengineeringSolar Radiation Management

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