Method of hurricane weakening

To fight against hurricanes it is suggested to initiate their
premature beginning before they will collect the supply of shattering
energy, and if succeeded, to initiate a few smaller cyclones which ,in
principle ,will not attain a critical level. As a result, cyclones
will go out ashore more frequent, but none of them will bring
catastrophic destruction's, because any structure is easier to carry
though the hundred of gusts of wind by speed 100 mph, what one gust in
200 mph.

For this purpose it is suggested in an ocean to organize floating
islands from the snatches of black fibre , for example from the
painted or charred cellulose. At that rate, fig.1,  a sun radiation
will cause greater evaporation of aquatic steam, that will result in
creating in the aquatorium of ocean  hearths of whirlwind creations,
which will become the centers of future cyclones.

For effective work, these islands on linear sizes must be comparable
with distance to the lower edge of clouds, that to have an area in a
few square miles. At the same time, they will not interfere with a
navigation and will not have negative influence on ecology, because
only locally will interfere in temperature distributing on a depth.
The conditional graphs of dependence of temperature on a depth are
shown below in default of, fig.2, and presence, fig.3, islands from a
floating fibre. Obviously, that for a those few days, while a floating
black fibre will be the center of whirlwind creation it will not
inflict noticeable harm of ecology no appearance, and in course of
time will simply be consumed by an ocean.

In the areas of the increased evaporation  ascending air, to saturated
aquatic pair, it is simpler it will be to break through an inversion
layer and due to a selection the hidden energy of aquatic steam to
form a valuable whirlwind which will begin to tighten on itself
ascending streams from a surrounding aquatorium and and by it to
strengthen yet more of itself. And if in case with a clean aquatorium
process of accumulation of energy at lasts formations of main
whirlwind long and a powerful hurricane appears as a result, fig.4, in
case with the artificial center of whirlwind creation, the process of
accumulation of energy will attain the critical level of Ec before,
fig.5, yet till there energy will be saved from all aquatorium, and as
a result on dry land a weak cyclone will move relatively.

Especially successful this method will be in case if succeed on the
aquatorium S, where one hurricane whirlwind is usually formed, fig.6,
to excite several weak cyclones, fig.7.

Then the structures of watersides will test a few weak stormy winds
only, in place of one destructive hurricane.

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