From: geoengineering@googlegroups.com [geoengineering@googlegroups.com] on 
behalf of John Latham [john.latha...@manchester.ac.uk]
Sent: 12 August 2013 02:36
To: kcalde...@gmail.com; macma...@cds.caltech.edu
Cc: m2des...@cablespeed.com; geoengineering@googlegroups.com
Subject: [geo] Ship-Tracks!! Re: Lateline - 22/11/2012: One of the worlds 
leading geo-engineering proponents, Harvard Professor David Keith


Or one could, if so disposed, make an equivalent  case for Marine Cloud 
(MCB) since oceanic ships have been producing higher reflectivity "ship tracks" 
for a
century or more.

Cheers,    John.     lat...@ucar.edu

John Latham
Address: P.O. Box 3000,MMM,NCAR,Boulder,CO 80307-3000
Email: lat...@ucar.edu  or john.latha...@manchester.ac.uk
Tel: (US-Work) 303-497-8182 or (US-Home) 303-444-2429
 or   (US-Cell)   303-882-0724  or (UK) 01928-730-002
From: geoengineering@googlegroups.com [geoengineering@googlegroups.com] on 
behalf of Ken Caldeira [kcalde...@carnegiescience.edu]
Sent: 12 August 2013 02:13
To: macma...@cds.caltech.edu
Cc: m2des...@cablespeed.com; geoengineering@googlegroups.com
Subject: Re: [geo] Re: Lateline - 22/11/2012: One of the worlds leading 
geo-engineering proponents, Harvard Professor David Keith


TONY JONES: Is it clear now or is it becoming clearer that the best strategy if 
you wanted to go to a global scale would be literally flooding the stratosphere 
with sulphate particles?

DAVID KEITH: I think the honest answer has to be that we don't know, that you 
need to do the research in order to have strong opinions about what's the right 
answer. I would say, you know, if you really put a gun to my head and said, 
"What's the very most likely thing to work right now?" that's probably it. And 
the reason is because it mimics what nature has done.

On Sun, Aug 11, 2013 at 2:40 PM, Doug MacMartin 
<macma...@cds.caltech.edu<mailto:macma...@cds.caltech.edu>> wrote:
Mark – read more carefully; David’s comment regarding “won’t work with 
sulphates” was in the context of whether it is theoretically possible to put 
enough up there to freeze the planet.  (Which he then goes on to point out is 
not something to be worried about anyway, since it would require intentional 
global suicide.)  He was quite explicit that in the short term, if someone 
actually wanted to do something, it would probably involve sulphate.

Regarding engineered particles, beyond his 2010 PNAS paper on photophoretic 
levitation, I don’t think there has been any research here, so there isn’t any 
suggestion to evaluate.  (But no reason to believe that something couldn’t be 
designed to work, sounds to me like a great research topic.)

From: geoengineering@googlegroups.com<mailto:geoengineering@googlegroups.com> 
 On Behalf Of Mark Massmann
Sent: Sunday, August 11, 2013 10:20 AM
To: geoengineering@googlegroups.com<mailto:geoengineering@googlegroups.com>
Subject: [geo] Re: Lateline - 22/11/2012: One of the worlds leading 
geo-engineering proponents, Harvard Professor David Keith

Dr. Keith-
I was very surprised by one of your comments in the above interview with Tony 
Jones.  Concerning the feasibility of sulphate aerosols you state:

"So, you might in principle be able to put up enough reflective aerosols - 
probably not sulphates, actually; I think it won't work with sulphates - but 
some other engineered aerosol."

Can you please explain why you now think that stratospheric sulphates will not 

Can you also explain what engineered aerosol(s) are being considered, what the 
likelihood is that they will work (i.e. offsetting a doubling of pre-industrial 

Thank you-

On Thursday, November 22, 2012 1:11:27 PM UTC-8, andrewjlockley wrote:


One of the world's leading geo-engineering proponents, Harvard Professor David 

Australian Broadcasting CorporationBroadcast: 22/11/2012
Reporter: Tony Jones

Interview with David Keith, Professor of Applied Physics at the Harvard School 
of Engineering and Applied Sciences, from Calgary: A leading scientist in the 
field of geo-engineering.


TONY JONES, PRESENTER: Earlier today I spoke with geoengineering expert David 
Keith, Professor of Applied Physics at the Harvard School of Engineering and 
Applied Sciences. He was in Calgary, Canada. David Keith, thanks for joining 
to be here.TONY JONES: Now scientists originally calculated that the major 
impact of global warming would happen towards the end of this century, so 
geoengineering was considered to be something far off in the distant and really 
science fiction for most people. Why the urgency now? Why has the debate 
changed?DAVID KEITH: I think the debate's changed really because the sort of 
taboo that we wouldn't talk about it has been broken. So, people have actually 
known you could do these things for better or for worse for decades, actually 
since the '60s, but people were sort of afraid to talk about them in polite 
company for fear that just talking about it would let people off the hook so 
they wouldn't cut emissions. And that fear was broke a few years ago and so now 
kind of all the research is pouring out really because effectively had been 
suppressed, not by some terrible suppressor, but by a fear of talking about 
it.TONY JONES: So what do you think would actually drive the world's 
superpowers or a collective of nations to decide to actually do this, to go 
ahead and begin the process of planning and preparing for a geoengineering 
project?DAVID KEITH: Very, very hard to guess. I mean, essential thing to say 
about this is that technology is the easy part; the hard part is the politics. 
Really deeply hard and almost unguessable. At this point we have no regulatory 
structure whatsoever and no treaty structure, so it's really unclear what would 
- how such a thing would be controlled.TONY JONES: Do you have any sort of idea 
at all what kind of timescale there might be before governments are forced to 
seriously consider this? Is it 10, 20, 30, 50 years?DAVID KEITH: Well, forced 
is a very fuzzy word, so a popular thing to say in this business is to say that 
we would do it in the case of a climate emergency. But that's kind of easy to 
say. In a case of emergency we should do all sorts of wild things, but it's not 
clear what an emergency is. So I'm a little sticky with the word forced. But I 
think it could happen any time from a decade from now to many, many decades 
hence. The big question right now really is: should we do research in the open 
atmosphere? Should we go outside of the laboratory and begin to actually tinker 
with the system and learn more about whether this will work or not. And I'm 
somebody who advocates that we do do such research. And one thing that research 
may show is that this doesn't work as well as we think. And my view is: whether 
you're somebody who hopes this will work or hopes it doesn't, more knowledge is 
a good thing.TONY JONES: So if you were given the go-ahead to do research and 
the funds to do it, because I imagine it would be very expensive, what would 
you actually do?DAVID KEITH: It's not very expensive actually to begin to do 
little in-situ experiments. So I am working on one and many other people are. 
So what we would do - the experiment that I'm most involved with would look at 
a certain aspect of stratospheric chemistry, of the way that the ozone layer is 
damaged and we'd be looking at whether or not and how much increase of water 
vapour in the stratosphere, which may happen naturally, and also the increase 
of sulphate aerosols if we geoengineered might damage the ozone layer. 
Basically, how much damage there would be and how we could fix it. And that 
experiment would be done in a very, very small amount of material; we're 
talking, like, a tonne of material, so small compared to what an aircraft does 
travelling across the Pacific. And the cost of it would be a few millions to 5 
million kind of money, which on the scale of big atmospheric research projects 
is actually not that much. I mean, the total climate research budget is billion 
class.TONY JONES: Is it clear now or is it becoming clearer that the best 
strategy if you wanted to go to a global scale would be literally flooding the 
stratosphere with sulphate particles? DAVID KEITH: I think the honest answer 
has to be that we don't know, that you need to do the research in order to have 
strong opinions about what's the right answer. I would say, you know, if you 
really put a gun to my head and said, "What's the very most likely thing to 
work right now?" that's probably it. And the reason is because it mimics what 
nature has done. So we have big volcanoes that put sulphur in the stratosphere 
and we know something about the bad impacts of that and we know something about 
what it does to cool the planet. And so it seems pretty likely that since we'd 
be putting in much less than nature puts in, at least for the first half 
century or more, that we could actually do something and control the risks.TONY 
JONES: Yes, I guess you mentioned volcanic activity and that's what scientists 
are basing, I suppose, their knowledge on now. What we've seen from volcanic 
activity is - and you can go back to '91 and Mount Pinatubo, which actually 
caused a fairly sudden drop in global temperatures because it blanketed the 
atmosphere in that way, but it also had, evidently, climate change effects 
itself, so there are clearly dangers here.DAVID KEITH: For sure. There are a 
bunch of dangers. There are both the dangers of kind of side effects like ozone 
loss or interfering with atmospheric chemistry in other ways. There's the basic 
fact that this is not a perfect compensation for CO2. So for example, carbon 
dioxide makes the ocean more acidic and doing these things to cool the planet 
will do nothing to correct that. So in the end we will have to cut emissions no 
matter what, but the fact that we have to cut emissions in the long run doesn't 
mean that we might not want to do things in the short run that actually provide 
real protection, if in fact they do, protecting people from heat stress or 
protecting the Arctic from melting. So I think we need to get out of the kind 
of extreme either/or that says you only do this if you can't cut emissions. 
That's nonsense. Cutting emissions we need to do in order to reduce the risks 
over the next century or two, but we still might want to do some of this in 
order to reduce the risks over the next half century and those are really quite 
distinct things.TONY JONES: Let's talk about the risks of actually doing it on 
a global scale because you've been pretty frank about that. You've actually 
said you could easily imagine a chain of events that would extinguish life on 
Earth. Now what would be that potential chain of events from using this kind of 
technology?DAVID KEITH: Yes, I probably got quoted a little out of context 
there. I think there are sort of theoretically possible ways that could happen, 
but I don't think there's socially plausible way it could happen. So, you might 
in principle be able to put up enough reflective aerosols - probably not 
sulphates, actually; I think it won't work with sulphates - but some other 
engineered aerosol. And if you did that for 100 years and reflected away sort 
of 8 per cent of the sunlight, whereas the amount people are talking about 
doing is more like 1 per cent, then in principle you could actually freeze the 
oceans over, as happened some good chunk of a billion years ago, and that would 
be devastating. But I think that the chance of people doing that would sort of 
be a global suicide is so remote as not to be a serious worry. I think the 
reason I've occasionally said that is that it illustrates the kind of power 
that this technology grants us. And I think for better, for worse, what this 
technology gives us is this enormous kind of leverage and power to alter the 
climate and to do it with a very small amount of money or material and that 
power should frighten us, I think, and it presents real deep problems for 
governance. So unlike the problem of CO2 emissions, which is changing the 
climate, but which is a product of human actions all over the planet. Every 
individual person flying or driving a car or using electricity around the 
planet contributes to carbon dioxide. If you talk about putting sulphates or 
some other engineered particle in the stratosphere, the issue is that a very 
small number of people in principle could do it and have this kind of huge 
leverage to affect the whole climate in this profound way. And that's what 
raises the very hard challenge of governance.TONY JONES: Yes, is there a fear 
raised by what you're saying that some country, a superpower, China, for 
example, has been suggested, could actually do something like this unilaterally 
and thereby create conflict over the whole idea of geo-engineering?DAVID KEITH: 
Yes, it's certainly possible. So, there's no question it's technically possible 
to do it unilaterally. So, the actual materials you need, the aircraft and 
engineering you need to do this are something that would be in reach easily of 
any of the G20 states. It's not hard to do. You could buy the equipment from 
many aeronautical contractors. So in that sense it could be done unilaterally. 
I think that there are scenarios under which it would happen in the real world 
unilaterally, but I don't think we should - I mean, I think you can exaggerate 
that possibility. But, you know - so, for example, I think if nothing was done 
to manage emissions and if climate impacts really fell strongly on, say, India 
- which might actually happen from heat stress on crops - you could imagine 
India doing it unilaterally. But there's a kind of a hard and an easy 
unilateralism. So if a country in a really kind of wanton way just starts it 
with no consultation, that would be clearly ugly, bad, could create conflict, 
but I think there are also kinds of unilateralism where you're not formally 
doing it in a legal multinational way, but where you do it with lots of 
consultation. And in that situation what might happen is a small number of 
countries might do it and many other countries might publicly say, "We wish we 
were involved in the decision," and privately say, "We're pretty happy 
somebody's doing this because actually it will reduce climate risk and then 
this other group will take the liability."TONY JONES: And final question, 
because you probably - if someone decided to do this, even if a group of 
nations decided to do this, there'd be tremendous scepticism in the public and 
you would, I imagine, get widespread protests, particularly when people realise 
that with sulphate particles in the atmosphere you'd actually change the colour 
of the sky, which has a really big psychological effect on people, you would 
imagine. How serious first of all would that change of colour be if you really 
were able to do it on a global scale and would you expect protests?DAVID KEITH: 
I think the change of colour would probably be invisible. I think it wouldn't 
happen. So people have published papers where they get that, but only where 
they assume a quite large amount of geoengineering. They assume that 
geoengineering compensates all of the effect of climate change, which I think 
is a kind of nonsense policy. So in a more plausible policy where you gradually 
wrap this up, compensating only part of the global warming (inaudible), to kind 
of balance risks and benefits and where you gradually use more advanced 
particles, maybe starting in 50 years, I think you never see a change in 
colour. So I think that's a bit of a unlikely circumstance. But I do think it's 
clear that people will protest because there are going to be winners and 
losers, just as there are under climate change. So it's important to say that 
putting CO2 in the atmosphere, which we're doing, creates winners and losers 
and this will again.TONY JONES: David Keith, we'll have to leave you there. 
Fascinating to hear from you. We thank you very much for taking the time to 
come and talk to us.DAVID KEITH: Thanks very much.
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