In May, a team of British scientists abruptly canceled an experiment they
had been planning for nearly two years. The Stratospheric Particle
Experiment for Climate Engineering, or SPICE, was intended to test ways of
injecting tiny particles of sulfur dioxide into the upper atmosphere, with
the eventual goal of filtering out sunlight to cool the Earth in the face
of global warming. The main reason given for the cancellation was a
potential patent dispute over some of the technology involved.But a second
reason, according to the project’s lead investigator, Matthew Watson, of
the University of Bristol, was the fact that there’s no international
agreement on whether, and under what circumstances, such experiments should
happen. That being the case, he told Nature, it would be “somewhat
premature” to go forward.Credit: Climate CentralIn fact, the entire field
of geoengineering — a set of technologies that is aimed to try and combat
rising temperatures by artificially cooling the planet, among other things
— is highly controversial. That applies especially strongly to
so-called solar radiation management, or SRM, the sun-shielding technique
most scientists, including the SPICE team, have been talking about. (It’s
also known as the Pinatubo Option: when Mt. Pinatubo erupted in 1991, it
spewed particles of natural sulfur dioxide that lowered global temperatures
slightly for months.)One argument against geoengineering is that it does
nothing to address the greenhouse-gas emissions that cause warming in the
first place, and that the existence of such a backup plan would suck the
energy out of efforts to control those emissions. Another is the law of
unintended consequences, which dictates that the best-intentioned ideas can
sometimes backfire.The potential issues are so great, in fact, that
scientists met in 2010 to discuss voluntary guidelines for geoengineering
experiments, while policymakers have called on the U.N. to issue
regulations.The scientists haven’t gotten anywhere on their guidelines
however, and with no international agreement on the horizon, geoengineering
experts are divided on how to proceed.It’s impossible to understand how
geoengineering will play out without some sort of field testing, but
scientists disagree on whether those tests should even take place. Rutgers
University’s Alan Robock, for example, thinks that field tests in the
absence of regulation are a bad idea. “Outdoor geoengineering research . .
. ” he wrote in a 2012 paper, “. . . is not ethical unless subject to
governance that protects society from potential environmental
dangers.” According to Robock, the only tests that should be happening now
are within the electronic confines of computer models — something that’s
currently going on in Robock’s own Geoengineering Model Intercomparison
Project, which looks at how geoengineering plays out in different climate
simulations.One effect that seems to emerge from the climate models is that
shading the Sun could disrupt global rainfall patterns. Another is that
particles in the stratosphere can lead to ozone loss.But other scientists
argue that simulations can only provide so much information. “Theory breeds
extremism,” said Harvard’s David Keith in a phone interview, “and at the
moment, geoengineering is all theory.”Volcanic ash and gas rising above
Mount Pinatubo, Philippines, on June 12, 1991. Credit: USGSKeith said it’s
likely that the experiments won’t work as well as their advocates claim,
and won’t be as damaging as their opponents fear. “Doing a few responsible
experiments will help clarify things,” he said.Of course, Keith is in the
pro-testing camp and, in fact, is in the early stages of planning just such
an experiment, along with his Harvard colleague, Jim Anderson. It will look
not at the effects of sun-dimming particles themselves, but at the combined
effects of water vapor and natural sulfur dioxide on stratospheric ozone —
a potential danger that has only recently emerged.The experiment will also
test methods that can be used to deliver sulfur dioxide directly to the
atmosphere, however, so it falls squarely within the zone of
controversy.Keith insists he and his colleagues wouldn’t just go out and do
the test without oversight. “Some reports have implied that we’d be doing
this with funding from Bill Gates,” Keith said, “but if we go ahead, we’ll
be mostly publicly funded.”Keith said he believes that will help ensure
that the project is done responsibly. “Let’s say we did it through NASA, or
the National Science Foundation,” he said. “We’d have to convince them it
was safe to do. We might also have to go through EPA.”The actual risks of
his proposed experiment are “objectively zero,” Keith said, “and any normal
scientist would agree. But I believe that independent authorities should
make that judgment.”Of course, not every country has a NASA or an EPA,
raising concerns that a country such as China or India might go ahead in a
less responsible way — not just with experiments, but with a full-blown
attempt to regulate the planet’s temperature.“If you could do
geoengineering,” Robock said, “how much cooling should you do? And whose
hand is on the thermostat?”Worse, what if a mega-billionaire decided, all
on his or her own, that the planet needed saving and that solar radiation
management would be the way to do it? Without international oversight, who
could stop it?That’s the wrong question, according to Nathan Myhrvold, a
physicist, former Microsoft executive and barbecue champion. The concept
behind lofting sulfur dioxide into the stratosphere is simple, but the
execution isn’t necessarily.“No part of the developed world is making any
serious effort to do this at this point,” Myhrvold said in an interview,
“and no developing country is either.” It would take years to ramp up such
efforts, even for an eccentric billionaire, giving other nations plenty of
time to apply moral and economic pressure to make it stop.Pressure, say
Myhrvold and others, that would be just as effective as finger-wagging from
the U.N.“So yeah,” Keith said, “we’re really not likely to see some
goofy Goldfinger scenario.” What Keith would like to see is some unity
among responsible governments on how to move forward. “Short of a
full-fledged treaty,” he said, “one could manage the concerns by having
small group of major nations — the G20, for example —articulate the
fundamental right to do experiments, but say at the same time that they
won’t do it without approval from some responsible bodies.”Keith thinks
statements like that would make it clear what’s internationally acceptable,
and would also take immediate implementation of geoengineering off the
table, making it OK for small-scale experiments to move forward. “My
concern is in the other direction,” said Ken Caldeira, a climate scientist
at Stanford. “I’m less worried about rogue experiments than I am that
useful experiments won’t happen.” At the moment, Caldeira said he’s
counseling his colleagues not to move forward because it’s politically
unwise. “It’s unnecessarily provocative, and could lead to irrational
overreaction.” But without any experiments at all, the world could find
itself in a very difficult place a few decades down the road.“I continue to
think geoengineering is not only a possible option,” Myhrvold said, “but
that every day that goes by makes it more likely. I haven’t seen any
progress on reducing emissions. If you’re doing nothing about the problem,
you’re going to have to live with the impact, take it on the chin.
Geoengineering is how you might avoid that.

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