[geo] Slippery slope arguments as precautionary arguments: a new way of understanding the concern about geoengineering research

2022-11-12 Thread Andrew Lockley
https://scholar.google.com/scholar?cluster=17340710325202815751&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5#d=gs_qabs&t=1668071956680&u=%23p%3DB4upbiqUpvAJ Author James Andow Environmental Values 4th November, 2022 Abstract It has been argued that geoengineering research shouldn’t be pursued because of a slippery slope f

Re: [geo] Slippery Slope Arguments as Precautionary Arguments: A New Way of Understanding the Concern about Geoengineering Research

2023-03-10 Thread Geoengineering News
Poster's note: Reviewer 2 did a podcast on the paper, "*Slippery Slope Arguments as Precautionary Arguments: A New Way of Understanding the Concern about Geoengineering Research."* Title of podcast: Slippery slope meets precautionary principle - AndowReviewer 2 does geoengineering