                                *Robert B. McMaster*
               Acting Executive Vice President and Provost
                             Professor of Geography
          Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost
                                  220 Morrill Hall
                           University of Minnesota
                        Minneapolis, Minnesota   55455

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Wendy Guan <all_memb...@ucgis.memberclicks.net>
Date: Fri, Mar 29, 2019 at 2:28 PM
Subject: [UCGIS] Undergraduate Research Fellow positions at the NSF
Spatiotemporal Innovation Center (STC) - please help circulate to students
To: <mcmas...@umn.edu>

NSF REU Fellow Opportunities, 7 weeks from June 2019 to August 2019

The NSF Spatiotemporal Innovation Center (STC) is looking for several
undergraduate research assistants to serve as NSF REU Fellows from June
2019 to August 2019. They will potentially work at George Mason University
Site (Fairfax, VA), Harvard University site (Cambridge, MA), or University
of California, Santa Barbara site (Santa Barbara, CA), depending on funding
availability from NSF.

This opportunity is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF)
I/UCRC and Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Programs which
enable undergraduate students to obtain research experience and consider a
career path in spatiotemporal domains (e.g., CS, GIS, Geosciences, etc.).
NSF REU Student interns will work in a team with graduate students,
postdocs, and faculty at one of the three center sites and will conduct
research related to spatiotemporal issues. NSF fellows also have the
opportunity to attend a professional conference to present their research
results. Students may participate in various projects.


   - Applicants must be undergraduate students.
   - U.S. citizen or permanent resident status is required.
   - Applicants should be able to work as NSF fellows for 7 weeks. Starting
   date is flexible.
   - NSF REU fellows will receive stipend and reimbursement for travel to
   one conference hosted in the U.S.
   - We encourage applications from underrepresented groups, such as women,
   Native-Americans, African-Americans, Hispanics, Veterans, and students with

A complete application includes:

   - C.V.
   - One page double-spaced statement of interest.
   - Contacts (email and phone #) of two referees.

Selection process:

There will be three steps for selecting the students: 1) Site directors
will collaboratively select a pool of promising applicants. 2) Faculty
members will select the relevant applicants who match their interest. 3) A
phone interview will be arranged with the selected candidates to consider
the applicant’s background and skills, communication, teamwork, and topic

Please submit your application through email to Dr. Manzhu Yu (m...@gmu.edu).
The review of applications has started, and will end until the positions
are filled. Feel free to contact Dr. Chaowei Yang (cya...@gmu.edu) with
questions about the NSF RET Summer Fellows in Geographic Information
Science. We look forward to receiving your applications.

The three universities are equal opportunity/affirmative action employers.
All qualified applicants will receive consideration as summer follows
without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability,
age or protected veteran status.


Wendy Guan, Ph.D.                             1737 Cambridge Street, K022

Executive Director                                Cambridge, MA 02138

Center for Geographic Analysis            617-496-6102 (office)

Harvard University                               617-496-5149 (fax)


University Consortium for Geographic Information Science • P.O. Box 612,
Ithaca, New York 14851, United States • 607-252-6851
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