I noticed in testing the final war that ... it was much bigger than

Turns out a *xsd* transitive dependency was bringing in everything to allow
it to operate as an eclipse plugin.

Since we do not generally want GeoServer to include an IDE I have reverted
the change:

   - geoserver/geoserver#4429
   - geotools/geotools#3080 <https://github.com/geotools/geotools/pull/3080>

I was also annoyed and opened up a bug ticket to ask if xsd is still
available as a library
<https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=565408> (it seems to be
under quite active development as an eclipse plugin).

Thanks to James for joining the hunt to figure out the transitive
dependency issue and help determine a course of action.
Jody Garnett

On Tue, 21 Jul 2020 at 10:04, Torben Barsballe <torbenbarsba...@gmail.com>

> Attending
> Andrea Aime
> Torben Barsballe
> Jody Garnett
> Kevin Smith
> Gabriel Roldan
> Actions from last meeting:
>    -
>    N/A
> Agenda
>    -
>    Release Update
>    -
>    CITE Testing
>    -
>    Unchecked warnings cleanup/diamond
>    -
>    Gabe update in microserve experiment
> Release Update
> Release announcements:
>    -
>    http://blog.geoserver.org/2020/07/21/geoserver-2-17-2-released/
>    -
>    https://geotoolsnews.blogspot.com/2020/07/geotools-232-released.html
> Release was uneventful, which was *great*.
> Also updated geoserver website to remove foss4g 2020 and fundraising note.
> CITE Testing
> There is a big PR to review:
>    -
>    https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/pull/4285
>    -
>    Some noise from “validation tests” included it cite data directories
>    (can we remove these)
> General feedback:
>    -
>    devops focus on server
>    -
>    weaker for local testing
>    -
>    May be hard on windows (due to use of docker on windows being hard to
>    setup)
> Notes:
>    -
>    This is large for github, you need to checkout locally to review
>    -
>    Q: Are their instructions for the developers guide?
> Action:
>    -
>    Jody to test this on macOS (where docker should function)
>    -
>    Ask on the email list for windows test, and any instructions...
> Planning:
>    -
>    distributed code sprint to actually pass the tests, during the fall?
>    -
>    Jody has some time and can set this up
> Unchecked warnings cleanup/diamond
> Group QA activity from last meet, idea/inspiration from Andrea :)
> Now a public branch:
>    -
>    https://github.com/geotools/geotools/commits/unchecked
>    -
>    https://github.com/geotools/geotools/pull/3054
>    -
>    Coordination spreadsheet:
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1voHK_V8ZdbN-yqqUkqrl0rJsLjqiOjmVwJkm1Fjd0z4/edit?usp=drive_web&ouid=100149442879963462152
>    -
>       Request access to edit
>       -
>       Use to coordinate activity - only one person work on a module at a
>       time :)
>       -
>       Although for API changes they may affect more than one module
>       -
>    Aside:
>    -
>       Andrea tried with sed script, a few things like anonymous inner
>       classes do not work
> Approach:
>    1.
>    Clean up warnings module by module
>    1.
>    Use diamond this is a good way to get involved in GeoTools, making the
>    codebase much easier to read :)
>    List<PropertyDescriptor> properties = new
> ArrayList<PropertyDescriptor>();
> FIX:
>    List<PropertyDescriptor> properties = new ArrayList<>();
> Gabriel update in microserve experiment
> Working on camptocamp repository:
> https://github.com/camptocamp/geoserver-microservices
>    -
>    Break out into docker per service
>    -
>    Going to try JMS with JDBCConfig / JDBCStore (for diskless)
> _______________________________________________
> GeoTools-Devel mailing list
> geotools-de...@lists.sourceforge.net
> https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/geotools-devel
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