
I'd like some users to be able to edit/create layers and stores only in a specific workspace, but to see (and only see, not edit) layers from another workspace in the web UI (to let them see how they are configured and use as templates)

The first part is easy. The second part, I thought I could do by using the security system and giving  a data rule tplnamespace.*.r, but I found out they only can see the layers in the getCapabilities (and previsualization, etc), but not in the web UI.

Is there a way to perform this : let some users see and explore in the web UI the layers available from a workspace, but /in readonly mode /?





*Jean Pommier -- pi-Geosolutions*

Ingénieur, consultant indépendant

Tél. : (+33) 6 09 23 21 36
E-mail : j...@pi-geosolutions.fr
Web : www.pi-geosolutions.fr

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