I'm working on a simple WPS process that subtracts one GridCoverage2D from
another (I hope this code shows up ok). But I can't seem to work out how to
have the SubtractFromConst and Add operations respect the NoData values in
the input GridCoverage2D. I've looked through the Javadocs for the
Hi Nuno, list,
Thanks for the feedback. It is nice to know that it can’t be done with Hale
Studio as that narrows down the path by which I should work down.
But I’m unsure as how to do this using a mapping file.
I have tried to manually edit the mapping file that was generated by Hale so
that pl
Yes, but I had to make changes to the webgis.
For some reason it failed to be able to generate functions, whenever it was
invoked through GET.
I changed the function to:
*var spec_html = {"outputFilename": "Plant_SIG" +
In Create User REST API, how can I pass the password not in plain-text?
Currently I'm using the following POST request to URL:
With request body:
I have installed geoserver 2.13 in Ubuntu server 17.10, and suddenly the
print requests stopped working.
Through the url http://websig.cm-ourem.pt/geoserver/pdf/info.json, all
settings in the config.yaml file appear certain, however, whenever the
request is made to generate pdf, it does not
Hi list !
As per the documentation here :
I have tried to disable the X-Frame-Options in web.xml (using Apache
Tomcat 9.0), but no success. Is this the correct syntax ?
Hi Pedro,
I tried to follow your link, and I get a correct PDF.
Can you confirm it is working also for you now?
Il giorno mer 14 nov 2018 alle ore 11:56 Pedro Henriques <
henriques.pedro...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
> Hello,
> I have installed geoserver 2.13 in Ubuntu server 17.10, and suddenly
I have installed geoserver 2.13 in Ubuntu server 17.10, and suddenly the
print requests stopped working.
Through the url http://websig.cm-ourem.pt/geoserver/pdf/info.json, all
settings in the config.yaml file appear certain, however, whenever the
request is made to generate pdf, it does no
Le 14/11/2018 à 10:27, Andrea Aime a écrit :
Labels are drawn last, on top of everything, so there is no possibility
to composite them at the moment.
That's another change that might work, but it plays badly with priority
support and conflict resolution
(both require labels to be accumulated and
On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 10:24 AM Arnaud L. wrote:
> Yes I know, it's only an example I'm still fine tuning this particular
> style (you can see a very readable black label in the bottom left of the
> picture).
> What about compositing with labels ? How does one achieve this, when
> labels are s
Le 14/11/2018 à 10:18, Andrea Aime a écrit :
There is no facility to add gaps around labels, but if someone were to
develop or sponsor it,
it would be a welcomed addition.
I'd be happy to help on this topic as well as the YSLD one (see, I got
the message ;D), but unfortunately my Java knowled
On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 10:14 AM Arnaud L. wrote:
> Then maybe it's not too late. Is there an SLD/YSLD to CSS converter
> (REST or anything as straightforward as the SLD<>YSLD REST converter) ?
I'm afraid not, CSS is, at the time of writing, a one way language (CSS ->
SLD), due to cascading.
On Wed, Nov 14, 2018 at 10:12 AM Arnaud L. wrote:
> Hi list !
> I'd like to label a line with a text in follow-line positionning.
> My problem is that with this simple style the label is not very readable
> because it is "stroked" by the line. So I'd like to make a hole (a gap),
> in the line
Hi Andrea
Le 14/11/2018 à 09:56, Andrea Aime a écrit :
I've waited some time to answer this one to allow others to chime in,
but it did not happen.
Full disclosure, I am the maintainer of the CSS module and dislike YAML
in any form and shape,
so if you're wondering about my answer being biased
As far as i know, QGIS Style and Mapbox Style parsing is going to be
implemented next.
CSS and YSLD are missing, but pull request are welcome! :-)
Am 09.11.2018 um 09:05 schrieb Arnaud L.:
> Le 08/11/2018 à 17:34, Johannes Weskamm a écrit :
>> Just want to add anothe
Hi list !
I'd like to label a line with a text in follow-line positionning.
My problem is that with this simple style the label is not very readable
because it is "stroked" by the line. So I'd like to make a hole (a gap),
in the line at the place where the label will be drawn.
I tried with a h
On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 10:30 AM Arnaud L. wrote:
> Why are the YSLD examples gone ? It looks like they were replaced by
> CSS. Did I make a bad choice with YSLD ?
I've waited some time to answer this one to allow others to chime in, but
it did not happen.
Full disclosure, I am the maintai
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