[Geoserver-users] SameSite Issues when requesting GetLegendGraphic

2023-08-23 Thread bobby biggs
Hello, I have an html file where I made a request of a wms/image from my geoserver instance using the image tag. When I open the html file in Chrome browser, on the web page, a broken image icon is shown where the expected wms/image is expected. When I paste only the src link of the image tab in

Re: [Geoserver-users] Replicating Data Between Geoservers

2023-08-23 Thread Val Schmidt
Thanks, I’ll have a look! > On Aug 22, 2023, at 07:14, Olivier Gagnon wrote: > > Hi, > > Another way would be use the REST api with a script. > > Have a look at the doc here : > https://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/rest/index.html > > Hope this helps. > > Envoyé à partir d’Outlook

[Geoserver-users] MBStyle Extension - broken?

2023-08-23 Thread Johannes Weskamm
Hi, I am struggling with the MBStyle extension. I only want to use it to filter the data from the database to reduce the size of the delivered vector tiles. Therefore i copy the style from the client to geoserver and apply it to the data source layers, so that no unnecessary data is transfer