
I am having trouble setting up a GWC for an external WMS source on
geoserver-2.0.2. I have found documentation for doing it with the GWC
standalone and with the one integrated with GeoServer. I am unable to get it
functioning with an external WMS on the integrated GWC. If anyone has
documentation that they followed and were able to get it working that will
probably be enough for me to get it working or even better if you can just
respond with instructions on how you got it working that would be much
appreciated. I tried messing around with the
webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/web.xml, but that has also failed. At my most
desperate time I tried adding geowebcache.xml to the data_dir/gwc/ or
webapps/geoserver/WEB-INF/classes and failed. Any help will be appreciated.

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