Thanks for reply. Let me explain what i'm doing.
In my application, one of the functionality is user should be able to upload
the geotiff images. Once he uploads the image, it should be displayed on the
map dynamically.
The implementation goes as follows:
When the user uploads the geotiff image,
I could successfully add oracle georaster layers in geoserver using
ImageMosaicJDBC plugin. But now I need to do it dynamically. I suppose REST
is the best way to do it...
I created datastore using rest and curl as follows:
curl -u admin:geoserver -XPOST -v -T "D:\csSAT2.xml" -H 'Content-type:
Hi Alex,
I did as u explained, first created datastore without , it got created
successfully and then used PUT as
$ curl -v -XPUT -u admin:geoserver -H 'Content-type: text/plain' -d
Hello Christian,
I have raster images in oracle 11g georaster tables. I need to add these
images dynamically to my application. I could add a coverage store using
rest api and curl but how do I publish the layer or add the coverage now?
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