[Geoserver-users] Reg Help for Secured layers printing from public ip

2014-05-13 Thread geo gis
Hi, In GeoEXT mapfish print i get an error like this when using public ip in config.yaml Error while generating PDF: org.mapfish.print.InvalidJsonValueException: spec.layers[0].baseURL has an invalid value: http://hostname:port/geoserver/cmdagis/wms (spec.layers[0].baseURL has an invalid value:

[Geoserver-users] Reg-----Split Polygon in Openlayers

2014-03-03 Thread geo gis
Hi, Can anyone give me suggestion for splitting polygon in Openlayers is possible,If possible means give me the url...I tried out the Split feature example by using this url http://openlayers.org/dev/examples/split-feature.html But it is working for line onlyI need Polygon Split example in

[Geoserver-users] Fwd: Reg Map not printed in mapfish print when WMS layer is Secured

2014-02-28 Thread geo gis
Hi, In GeoEXT print ,map is not printed When WMS layer is secured and getting *java.io.IOException: The byte array is not a recognized imageformat.* But the same print is working fine when layer is public and also how to change output filename dymanically form javascript.Please guide wt i have to

[Geoserver-users] SLD with Buffer (projection 4326)

2014-02-12 Thread geo gis
Hi, Anyone help me how to create buffer layer through map click using sld..gIve me Example... -- Android apps run on BlackBerry 10 Introducing the new BlackBerry 10.2.1 Runtime for Android apps. Now with support for Jelly

[Geoserver-users] GetFeatureInfo is not able to read when layer is authenticated

2014-01-28 Thread geo gis
When wms layer is authenticated, PHP XMLReader is not able to read the GetFetaureInfo output format (GML). (Able to view the info in simple OpenLayers format). But the same XMLReader is working good and throw the result when GeoServer layer is not authenticated.. Kindly suggest on how we can