No complex feature to GeoJSON transformation is possible now.  I think the
GeoJSON spec doesn't give any recommendations on complex features, though I
suppose it should be fairly straightforward.

Going XML to JSON wouldn't be nearly as fast as going straight to JSON from
the actual Feature objects.  I don't think it should be hard to extend the
JSON writer to iterate through full complex features, and I believe would be
a welcome patch.  If you're interested someone more knowledgeable than I can
direct you at the code and what you'd need to do.  Should be fairly self
contained, relatively easy to wrap your head around and get coding.


On Sun, Mar 6, 2011 at 9:52 PM, Shaw Innes <> wrote:

> I have almost sorted out my previous query regarding App Schema mappings to
> a PostGIS source.  I'll post my final working version for the list when I've
> got it 100% working just in case it might help someone in the future.
> I am trying to expose my complex feature as a WFS feature - and was hoping
> to have it available as a JSON object.  I tried supplying the
> outputFormat=json parameter, but I get an exception stating that the WFS
> server couldn't process the request because it wasn't a "SimpleFeature".
> Is there support for complex features -> GeoJSON translation?  If not - I
> was thinking I would write a small proxy service to process the xml -> json,
> however I'm sure there are people already doing this - are there any
> recommended solutions for this problem?
> Thanks
> Shaw
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> What You Don't Know About Data Connectivity CAN Hurt You
> This paper provides an overview of data connectivity, details
> its effect on application quality, and explores various alternative
> solutions.
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