i have a popup that get the featureInfo on the map, what i want to do is to
customize the display of the WMS GetInfo Results, i don't want to avoid
automatic alphabetic sortingof the attribute declared on the source (see
the code). Plz tell me how to do that, here's my code:

      action = new GeoExt.Action({
        control: new OpenLayers.Control.WMSGetFeatureInfo({
    autoActivate: true,
    infoFormat: "application/vnd.ogc.gml",
    maxFeatures: 6,
layers: [layer1],
    eventListeners: {
        "getfeatureinfo": function(e) {
            var items = [];
            Ext.each(e.features, function(feature) {
                    xtype: "propertygrid",
                    title: feature.fid,
                    source: {"aaaaa": feature.attributes['aaaa'], "bbbb":
            new GeoExt.Popup({
                title: "informations",
                width: 250,
                height: 300,
                layout: "accordion",
map: map,
                location: e.xy,
                items: items

        map: map,
        text: "infos",
        tooltip: "Informations "
        actions["infos"] = action;


Élève ingénieur : 3ème  Sciences d'Information Géographique (SIG).
Chef de commission développement professionnel  - Rotaract EHTP.
Chef de cellule Media - Olympiades EHTP 2012.
  Ecole Hassania des Travaux Publics.
   Mobile : +212 672 48 23 15.
   Email : asma.ouqa...@gmail.com
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